EDC’s projects are informed by our expertise in dissemination and implementation science, as well as by the experiences and wisdom of program staff and community members. We are skilled in identifying, addressing, and overcoming barriers to implementation that impede uptake, delivery, and dissemination of best practices.

In countries around the world, we have successfully implemented youth development, literacy, and health initiatives and worked with Ministries of Education and Health to improve school and health programming. In the United States, we support the implementation of evidence-based strategies, both nationally and regionally. We also work with large school districts and health systems on efforts to adopt and sustain effective interventions.

Our collaborative implementation efforts support meaningful improvements in processes and systems.


Here are a few of our resources on implementation. To see more, visit our Resources section.

This brief describes the importance of expanding access to computer science (CS) learning and details EDC’s work to ensure all students have high-quality CS educations.

White papers

The Learning Generation Initiative strategy is a comprehensive road map that outlines our vision and strategic initiatives.

Resource libraries

This website helps educators understand the role that the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMP) play within the larger context of the Common Core Standards themselves.


Rwanda has made commendable efforts to improve basic education, including literacy in the early grades.


This guide is designed to assist emergency department (ED) health care professionals with decisions about the care of patients at risk of suicide.


This toolkit provides ideas for integrating suicide prevention into the work of senior centers.


This collection of essays shares insights and strategies from EDC’s work to support teachers’ professional learning, as well as links to an array of EDC’s resources for teachers.


This learning series summarizes the results of participant studies in the USAID Advancing Youth Project in Liberia. The studies explored topics in alternative basic education such as leadership,


This online toolkit supports the implementation of the Zero Suicide Initiative in health and behavioral health care settings.