We create and test learning experiences that lead to deep understanding and an ability to act thoughtfully upon the world. Whether in settings that are rich or poor in resources, we are committed to building sound foundations in literacy, science, and mathematics.

Through engaging classroom curricula, media instruction, digital tools, and teacher training, we equip children and young adults with the fundamentals they need to be successful—in school and in life.

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Accelerating Education in Liberia
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Here are a few of our resources on behavioral, physical, and mental health. To see more, visit our Resources section.

Digital games

EDC developed four online games for middle school science students that address common misconceptions about photosynthesis, heredity, electricity, and heat transfer.


This brief describes the importance of expanding access to computer science (CS) learning and details EDC’s work to ensure all students have high-quality CS educations.


EDC conducted a research study in the Democratic Republic of Congo to test the effects of teacher knowledge and practice on student learning.


Math for All is a multimedia mathematics professional development resource for general and special education teachers.


This study examined the impact of an orientation on course completion rates for high school students taking a supplemental online course for the first time.

White papers

This policy brief is the first of a series from the Sustainable Financing Initiative of the School Meals Coalition.


In this action memo, we consider proposals for more effective donor investment in school health and nutrition.


The Work-Based Learning Data Collection Toolkit is designed to guide educators and school administrators in developing or improving their systems for collecting work-based learning data.

Fact sheets

This infographic spotlights the researchers’ theory of change and illuminates conditions at the teacher, classroom, and school/system levels that are key to effective teacher professional development.

Key results from Zambia Can Read project.