
Although computer science (CS) has grown to be increasingly relevant in society, the field has remained largely as White male as it was 40 years ago. How can we ensure that the next generation of computer scientists and technology innovators better reflects the diversity of the United States?

Through the Google Code Next Evaluation, EDC supported Google’s efforts to engage African American, Latinx, and Indigenous youth in exploring computer science as a potential career path. EDC evaluated the success of the Google Code Next program in Oakland, California; New York City; and Detroit, Michigan, and  provided information that is informing the continued expansion of Code Next into communities and schools across the country.

Key Activities

As part of the Google Code Next Evaluation, EDC staff undertook the following activities:

  • Observed Code Next afterschool and weekend sessions
  • Conducted frequent interviews with youth participants, their parents, and Code Next coaches and staff about their experiences in the program
  • Conducted an annual survey to track the participants’ confidence in coding, their interest in computer science careers, and their sense of belonging to the broader CS community

  • Developed a program framework to guide youth-serving, community-based programs, school administrators, and educators as they implemented afterschool CS experiences that explicitly emphasized student social capital

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