EDC Data Science (formerly Oceans of Data Institute)

Project Director:

Funded by:

National Science Foundation, NASA, National Geographic Foundation, General Motors, IBM


American Geoscience Institute, Bunker Hill Community College, California Coast Community College District, California Polytechnic State University, The Concord Consortium, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, IBM, Mount Washington Observatory, National Geographic, Normandale Community College, Nurture Nature Center, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Sinclair Community College, Stanford University, University of California, San Diego, University of Maine-Orono, University of Washington-Seattle




Big data is changing industries—including health care, journalism, science, and manufacturing—at breakneck speed, and these rapid changes are challenging the U.S. education system to keep pace. How can we make sure that students have the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed in an increasingly data-driven world?

Promoting data literacy has always been an important part of EDC’s work. Our data science work formally began in 2013 with the launch of the Oceans of Data Institute, which worked to ensure all students gain data literacy skills and know how to use data to make informed decisions. Now known as “EDC Earth Science,” our large portfolio of data science initiatives continue to transform pre-K–16 education by supporting educators in integrating data literacy instruction into classrooms; working with community colleges, big data industry experts, and career and technical educators to create pathways to data careers; leading convenings; and publishing curricula and research.

Key Activities

EDC collaborates with scientists, engineers, educators, and business people to do the following:

  • Support high schools and community colleges in creating data science and artificial intelligence/data science courses and programs that are relevant to their local economy
  • Lead projects and publish resources to support workforce preparation
  • Develop and test educational materials that foster data literacy
  • Conduct research to advance knowledge of effective strategies to promote data literacy
  • Lead and participate in national convenings that advance knowledge of data literacy education and workforce development
  • Provide guidance to scientists and designers in creating tools for students and citizens


  • EDC currently has over 15 projects focused on fostering data literacy and creating pathways to data science careers.
  • EDC’s Data Pathways Community of Practice has 43 members from 29 different colleges and community colleges that are in the process of building data courses and programs.
  • Thousands of students and teachers nationwide and around the world have used EDC’s free online curricula and published curricula focused on data literacy and data science.
  • EDC’s data science research articles, conference presentations, and convenings have reached thousands of researchers and educators.

Oceans of Data