Family Math Learning Community in York, PA: First 10 and Young Mathematicians
Project Directors:
EDC Staff:
Funded by:
Heising-Simons Foundation
York Public Schools; Community Connections for Children; York Day Early Learning; Crispus Attucks York Community Center; Martin Library; Lots of Love Early Learning Center; Community Progress Council Head Start; York College
ImplementationResearch & Evaluation
United States
High-quality early mathematics learning propels and predicts children’s future success in school. Unfortunately, far too many children start kindergarten without the early mathematics experiences they need for successful mathematics learning in and beyond elementary school. It is important to take action to enhance early mathematics learning, including in children’s homes as well as in early childhood programs and in community programs.
EDC and educators in York, Pennsylvania (PA), are partnering on the Family Math Learning Community in York, PA: Integrating First 10 and Young Mathematicians initiative. First 10 uses school-community partnerships to support children and families. The Family Math Learning Community combines an existing strong First 10 partnership in York with the successful play-based approach of the Young Mathematicians program to bridge connections between home, school, and community settings and to help all children be successful with mathematics.
Key Activities
EDC is carrying out the following activities in York, PA:
- Learning about the needs and desires of the community related to family math
- Aligning the Young Mathematicians program’s games and workshops with the needs of the early childhood community
- Convening a Family Math Advisory Council
- Co-creating family math videos and supports to help promote family math
- Providing early mathematics professional learning to 50 district prekindergarten (pre-K) and kindergarten (K) teachers
- Providing early mathematics professional learning to 30 Head Start and community preschool providers
- Reviewing child outcome assessment
Our Impact
EDC’s work in York, PA, will have the following impacts for over 1,600 children and families and 80 early educators:
- Children will engage in more math activities at home, at school, and in the community. They will enjoy doing math, see themselves as math learners, and experience math learning in many contexts in their lives.
- Families will increase how often they engage their child in early math learning, understand the importance of early math, have positive attitudes toward math, and advocate for their children’s mathematics learning.
- Families will report greater connections with early educators, including feeling involved as an equal partner.
- Early educators’ knowledge of the importance of family math and access to family math resources will increase, and they will incorporate family math into their practice.
- Early educators will share information about children’s math learning and family math in their communications with families (e.g., conferences, newsletters, informal meetings, family events, and text messages) and will seek to learn from families how to best support their family math practices at home.
- Community stakeholders—including Communities in Schools, United Way, YMCA, YWCA, and public libraries—will report an increased understanding of the importance of early math, and family engagement in early math will be a strategic priority across the community in York, PA.