Institute for Home Visiting Workforce Development and Jackie Walorski Center for Evidence-Based Case Management

Project Director:

Funded by:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Maternal and Child Health Bureau


James Bell Associates; Institute for the Advancement of Family Support Professionals; Start Early






The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program has achieved great successes in improving health outcomes and supporting families’ well-being. Yet there is an urgent need to strengthen and support the MIECHV workforce by addressing issues that impact recruitment, retention, training, and well-being.

To respond to this challenge, EDC and our partners co-lead the Institute for Home Visiting Workforce Development (the Institute) and the Jackie Walorski Center for Evidence-Based Case Management (the Center). Our partnership is developing systems to improve the quality of MIECHV services, support home visitor professional development and well-being, and reduce costs and disruption related to frequent staff turnover and retraining.

Key Activities

The project team is carrying out the following activities:

  • Analyzing MIECHV workforce trends and advancing knowledge of workforce practices
  • Identifying effective strategies to support home visitors and supervisors
  • Providing technical assistance to promote programs’ use of these strategies
  • Developing a professional development program to meet the varied needs of the home visiting workforce
  • Identifying, evaluating, and disseminating best practices and strategies for case management in home visiting

Our Impact

  • The Institute will build the capacity of home visiting programs to expand, support, and retain a highly qualified workforce.
  • The Center will advance the use of effective strengths-based home visiting case management practices in home visiting.