USAID De Lectores a Líderes (USAID Honduras Reading Activity)
Funded by:
U.S. Agency for International Development
Florida State University
Focus Area:
Crisis-Affected ContextsEarly Childhood Development & LearningEducation Workforce & SystemsElementary & Secondary Education
Design & DevelopmentImplementation
Latin America and the Caribbean
Despite past and present efforts, the education system in Honduras still faces many challenges in terms of access, efficiency, and quality. However, current research suggests that improving reading instruction and outcomes can have multiple benefits for young people, including better economic and social conditions that offer youth alternatives to the crime, violence, and gang activity prevalent in the country today.
Through USAID De Lectores a Líderes (also known as the USAID Honduras Reading Activity), EDC is supporting the Government of Honduras, in collaboration with other activities and stakeholders, to improve reading instruction for Honduran students in grades 1–6. USAID De Lectores a Líderes will address teaching practices at the school and classroom levels and important social topics, such as gender equality, social inclusion, citizenship, and positive relationships.
Key Activities
With teacher professional development at its core, USAID De Lectores a Líderes is conducting the following activities:
- Strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Education to implement evidence-based reading approaches
- Review and revise curricula to enhance reading instruction, as well as provide engaging supplementary reading material
- Deliver high-quality professional development opportunities that support better literacy instruction in the classroom for teachers and support personnel in grades 1–6
- Engage with families and communities to increase their participation, leading to improved learning and reading achievement for children
Our Impact

By the end of the project, USAID De Lectores a Líderes will have the following impact:
- Improve reading outcomes for at least 700,000 students in 2,500 schools across 60 municipalities
- Achieve a 20-percentage point increase above baseline in the percentage of grade 6 students able to read at grade level
- Train more than 15,000 service teachers in evidence-based teaching practices
- Provide 1,000 existing or new school libraries with a collection of 1,200 books to promote reading opportunities