USAID Philippines Opportunity 2.0

Project Director:
EDC Staff:
David Hall

Funded by:
U.S. Agency for International Development
Department of Education (DepEd); Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA); Department of South East Asian Ministries of Education Organization’s Regional Center for Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH); Philippines Business for Education (PBEd); Accenture; Volunteer Services Overseas (VSO); Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
In the Philippines, as many as 3 million youth aged 16–24 are not in school, are not gainfully employed, and have not finished college or postsecondary education. While the Philippine government has invested in education and technical skills training for these out-of-school youth (OSY), many are unable to take full advantage of these programs.
Funded by USAID, Opportunity 2.0 will work with the Philippine government to assist these youth in addressing barriers to lifelong learning and professional success. This systems approach program will provide work-based learning, entrepreneurship opportunities, and training that is relevant and responsive.
Key Activities
EDC staff will:
- Introduce skills training around work-readiness and entrepreneurship.
- Build capacity of partners to provide foundational skills to prepare youth for work and entrepreneurship
- Engage the private sector through work-based learning and work immersion programs
- Expand the network of Youth Development Alliances to strengthen connections among industry, education programs, government, and youth
- Grow productive alliances with industry and higher education institutions
Our Impact
Opportunity 2.0 will:
- Support more than 180,000 youth with quality education and skills
- Provide more than 74,000 youth with opportunities to advance their education careers and gain new and better employment
- Support more than 2,000 teachers and instructors in improving their skills
- Network with at least 2,200 employers