Douglass Baken

Douglass Baken


Doug Baken is an expert in U.S. government funding and regulations compliance, as well as a highly skilled and experienced trainer. He brings a strong background in nonprofit administration and leadership, accounting and auditing, and internal control environments. He specializes in writing organizational policies and procedures that ensure full compliance with regulatory requirements and advance operational efficiency.

Baken is the senior fiscal technical assistance (TA) specialist for EDC’s Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) TA Resource Center. His TA and training builds the capacity of MIECHV funding recipients to manage funds in accordance with federal and MIECHV-specific fiscal requirements and to apply best practices in managing federal funding.

Before joining EDC, Baken worked for Mercy Corps in Portland, Oregon, for over 20 years. He served as director of the Grant Compliance Support Unit, deputy director of the Finance and Compliance Support Unit, a compliance and training officer, a finance officer, and an internal auditor.

Baken holds a BS in Accounting from Washington State University. He is a Certified Public Accountant, licensed in Oregon.