Heidi Rosenberg

Heidi Rosenberg


Heidi Rosenberg is an expert in family engagement, early childhood education, out-of-school time (OST) care, and evaluation strategies to assess the impact of child- and family-serving programs. A highly experienced researcher and evaluator, she advances the field’s knowledge of policies and practices to support infant and toddler care, continuous improvement, state-level collaboration for early childhood education, and involving families in OST learning.

As director of research for the National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment, Rosenberg manages research and data activities examining school-age child-care policies and practices and designs training and technical assistance resources. Working with federal, regional, and state stakeholders, she promotes access to high-quality afterschool and summer programs.

Rosenberg also leads the evaluation of a digital media family engagement program focused on promoting preschool children’s social and emotional development and supported by The Ounce of Prevention Fund. Before joining EDC, Rosenberg was a senior research analyst at Harvard Family Research Project.

Rosenberg holds a BSJ from Ohio University, an MSW from Boston College, and a PhD in Education Policy from University of Michigan.