Jessica Auerbach
Jessica Auerbach, project director and senior technical assistance specialist, is an expert in early childhood health and wellness, mental health, and public health. She is experienced in project management, strategic planning, and communications. Nationwide, she guides groups in reducing health disparities, promoting protective factors, and implementing high-quality programs and systems.
Auerbach serves as a senior technical assistance specialist for the MIECHV Technical Assistance Resource Center to support state agencies in building the capacity of home visiting programs. Previously, she was co-director of the Suicide Care Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (CoIIN) through EDC’s Zero Suicide Institute and associate director of the Home Visiting CoIIN 2.0 on Staff Recruitment and Retention.
Prior to joining EDC, Auerbach oversaw NYC Project Launch and co-authored Implementation of Young Child Wellness Strategies in a Unique Cohort of Local Communities and Identifying Developmental Risks and Delays in Young Children.
Auerbach holds an MPH in Sociomedical Sciences from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and a BA from Sarah Lawrence College.