Leslie McAllister

Leslie McAllister

Leslie McAllister, EDC senior technical assistance associate, is an expert in home visiting, human services, and public policy focused on children, youth, and families. She brings over 20 years of experience in human services and community development, with specializations in program development, collaboration, trauma-informed care, and parent and community engagement.

McAllister is a member of the leadership team of EDC’s Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Technical Assistance Resource Center. She co-leads a team of technical assistance providers that supports MIECHV awardees in all 50 U.S. states; Washington, D.C.; and five U.S. territories in strengthening services to better support children and families.

Before joining EDC, McAllister guided the effective implementation of high-quality home visiting at the local and state levels for 11 years. In these home visiting leadership positions, she developed grant proposals, supported implementation of evidence-based programs with a high degree of model fidelity, guided staff development, managed contracts, and coordinated reporting to private and public funders.

McAllister holds a BA from Carleton College and an MSSW from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.