Sheila Howard

Sheila Howard

Sheila Rodriguez is a continuous improvement (CI) expert, experienced evaluator, and EDC senior training and technical assistance (TA) associate. She brings extensive expertise in supporting state education agencies, districts, and schools in achieving their goals to improve the quality and effectiveness of education for students.

Rodriguez co-leads the Connecticut Partnership to Support Multilingual Learner Mathematics Outcomes and the Puerto Rico Partnership to Engage Families in Data Use for REL Northeast & Islands at EDC. She provides TA and training to state- and district-level education personnel and specializes in coaching K–12 educators in using the CI process to improve student outcomes. She also leads and co-leads numerous evaluations of formal and informal education improvement efforts.

Rodriguez is the president of the Chicagoland Evaluation Association. She is the co-author of two toolkits published by Institute of Education Sciences (IES): Continuous Improvement in Education and Logic Models for Program Design, Implementation, and Evaluation.

Rodriguez earned an MA Ed from Argosy University–Schaumburg and a BA in Education Studies from Brown University. She is fluent in English and Spanish.