Siobhan Bredin
Siobhan Bredin is an EDC senior manager and advanced technical assistance (TA) specialist. She brings decades of experience in continuous quality improvement; project design and management; product development; strategic dissemination; systems change; and information architecture design. She specializes in developing and sustaining strong communities of practice that focus on making systems more effective.
As the director of training and TA for the National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment, Bredin leads a team that supports states, territories, and tribes in implementing the Child Care and Development Fund. Previously, she served as a leader and TA product manager of multiple initiatives that sought to improve the quality of PreK-12 education, including the National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations.
Bredin, a highly experienced public speaker and trainer, shares her expertise in local, regional, and national convenings and conferences. She is a founding member of an EDC group that advises colleagues on forming and sustaining vibrant virtual communities of practice.
Bredin holds an EdM from Lesley University and BA in Psychology from Wellesley College.