Steve Kamanzi

Steve Kamanzi is EDC’s Liberia Country Director and Chief of Party (COP) for the USAID Youth Advance Activity. As COP, he led the implementation of the EDC Continuum Youth Workforce and Employment Program in Rwanda, including the Akazi Kanoze I, Akazi Kanoze II, and Huguka Dukore Akazi Kanoze. He also led on the scaling up of employability and work readiness skills in formal secondary education and out-of-school programs through Rwandan youth-serving organizations.

As a youth workforce system expert, Kamanzi was instrumental in policy and strategy reforms in Rwanda Education, technical and vocational education and training (TVET), and private sector engagement for skills development. He co-chaired several subsector working groups in Rwanda, including the Youth Economic Empowerment/Employment with the Minister of Youth, the Private Sector Engagement Technical Working Group under the Ministry of Education, and TVET under the Ministry of Education.

Kamanzi holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences, with a major in Public Policy and Administration from Universite Libre de Kigali (ULK) and an MBA in Leadership and Organizational Development from Oklahoma Christian University.