Maternal Health & Home Visiting
EDC collaborates with federal, state, community, and private partners to improve the health and well-being of mothers, infants, young children, and families.

The first years of a child’s life are critical for long-term health and lifelong learning, with high-quality prenatal and maternal care essential for optimal brain development. EDC’s initiatives focus on improving maternal and child health, particularly by strengthening home visiting services.
Through our Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (HV CoIIN) and three other national initiatives, we support Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program awardees in using continuous quality improvement strategies and data to significantly improve outcomes for children and families. Our approach combines training and coaching, resource development, technical assistance, and convenings.
Our work also focuses on addressing the field’s challenges, including improving workforce recruitment and retention to ensure families receive the support they need. Drawing on research, we are advancing knowledge of how to maintain a strong home visiting workforce.
Our Work
Featured Project
Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network 3.0
Since 2013, EDC has led the nation’s first Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (HV CoIIN) with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), supporting Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program awardees. Through HV CoIIN, EDC helps programs apply continuous quality improvement methods to enhance services and improve maternal, child, and family outcomes.
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