Building Computational Thinking Readiness

Project Director:

EDC Staff:

Funded by:

National Science Foundation


Research Alliance for NYC Schools, University of Florida




Across the United States, initiatives focused on computational thinking (CT) are rapidly expanding. Innovative work is underway and being studied in Massachusetts, New York, and other states. Yet little evidence-based guidance is available to support elementary schools and teachers in effectively integrating CT into various subject areas.

To address this need, EDC refined and tested tools—including a framework, a self-diagnostic tool, a rubric, and evaluation instruments—to support schools in integrating CT across the curriculum. The tools will help schools to clarify the definitions of computational thinking and CT integration, articulate visions and plans, and monitor the effectiveness of teacher training focused on CT instruction.

Key Activities

The project carried out the following activities to investigate whether use of the tools can support schools in integrating CT across subject areas:

  • Collaborated with principals, teachers, evaluators, and subject matter experts to produce the tools
  • Pilot-tested the tools in elementary schools in high-poverty communities in two regions
  • Refined the tools and shared them with schools nationwide

Our Impact

  • Findings from the work will advance the field’s knowledge of effective ways to improve the likelihood of successful CT integration and build students’ CT skills

Building Computational Thinking Readiness