In collaboration with education and industry partners across Latin America and the Caribbean, EDC creates basic education and workforce development programs that are relevant and tailored to respond to community needs.

Our basic education programs use interactive audio instruction—a concept we pioneered—to reach learners in settings that are both remote and lacking in necessary resources. Our workforce development programs prepare young people for available market opportunities, and we design and implement evidence-based interventions to offer young people a new, more positive course.


Here are a few of our resources on Latin America and the Caribbean. To see more, visit our Resources section.

These free online training courses are designed to help entrepreneurs learn what they need to know to establish and grow a business. Users learn at their own pace in their own time.


These three stories highlight recent successes from the Honduras Reading Activity (HRA). HRA builds a stronger bond between families and their schools to strengthen community resilience and cohesion, retain children in school, and reduce irregular migration.


Learning team approaches aim for groups of education professionals that collaborate at every level—classroom, school, district, and central—to ensure learning for all.


EDC’s Proyecto METAS conducted a survey in three at-risk urban communities in Honduras between March and May 2013.

Fact sheets

As part of EDC’s Work Ready Now (WRN) program, WRN Biz builds youths’ core skills in business planning, business start-up, and ongoing business management.

White papers

This case study is one of the Sustainable Finance Initiative’s seven rapid country case studies studying the state of school meals programs.

This 2-page document summarizes the impact of IDEJEN, the Haitian Out-of-School Youth Livelihood Initiative, which addresses the education and livelihood needs of youth ages 15-24 with little or no primary education.

Fact sheets

Work Ready Now (WRN) is a versatile and modular skills curriculum designed to develop youth’s in-demand, transferable work readiness skills used in 28 countries and translated in 21 languages.


This report analyzes survey data from 200 participants in USAID-funded, EDC-implemented youth programs in North East Kenya and Honduras.


Drawing on its extensive work in fragile environments, EDC developed this set of case studies that chronicles best practices, lessons learned, and stories of success.