About this resource library

From professional development materials for teachers to research reports for policymakers, EDC has produced hundreds of useful, innovative resources. This library contains a selection of some of our materials, including:

  • Apps
  • Books
  • Curricula
  • Digital games
  • Reports/studies/white papers
  • Resource libraries
  • Toolkits
433 Resources found

This tool supports partnerships between school districts and principal training program providers in areas such as the quality of their communications and collaboration.


This 11th edition is an update to the toolkit, which was developed for self-study teams of leader preparation program providers, state and district partners, and other stakeholders taking part in W


This report looks at the sustained effect of EDC’s Zanzibar RISE and ZTUR programs for children and teachers, including institutionalization and expansion by the government of Zanzibar and a sustained learning advantage for children who participated in the programs.


The Real World, Real Science curriculum blends climate science and data science to support students in learning about the environment.

White papers

This EDC brief spotlights the challenges that home visiting programs face in recruiting and retaining staff.


Using data collected in Massachusetts, this study examines the relationships between schoolwide instructional observation scores and schoolwide student academic achievement and growth in state-desi

With funding from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and in partnership with Oxford University’s Blavatnik School of Government (BSG), the Learning Generation Initiative (formerly the Education Commission) produced the DeliverEd Final Report, Deliberate Disruptors: Can Delivery Approaches Deliver Better Education Outcomes? The following are the supporting research products produced in interpretation of the research.


This presentation describes the innovative strategies, accomplishments, and lessons learned of the Child Safety Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network at EDC.


This report outlines the need to work together with new and unlikely allies, other than education actors alone, to reimagine how our interconnected systems—health, education, economic development, and the protection of our planet—can work toward Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education and beyond.

Fact sheets

Ruwwad is a Palestinian Youth Empowerment Project, implemented by EDC and funded by USAID.


The Safe in the City kit includes prevention posters, a user's guide, and a DVD of Safe in the City, a 23-minute HIV/STD prevention video designed to be easily integrated into cli

White papers

Save Our Future, a global coalition, rallied diverse voices amid the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the vital link between education and the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals.


This report highlights key findings and recommendations from the workshop Youth, Mobile, and Employment, held in Kigali, Rwanda, in January 2014.


APTE-Senegal focuses on building work readiness skills and transition to work opportunities to prepare youth for employment and self-employment in a way that is sustainable at national scale.


This case study from Rwanda explores the key components that drive improvements in youth skills and employment—equitably and at scale.