About this resource library

From professional development materials for teachers to research reports for policymakers, EDC has produced hundreds of useful, innovative resources. This library contains a selection of some of our materials, including:

  • Apps
  • Books
  • Curricula
  • Digital games
  • Reports/studies/white papers
  • Resource libraries
  • Toolkits
115 Resources found
Fact sheets

A high-level overview detailing why we need a global coalition that brings together young people, governments, implementing organizations, the private sector, multilateral institutions, phila


This report summarizes the lessons from a fairly small-scale effort to adapt a very successful U.S.-based model for service-learning to the challenging circumstances of South Africa.

Fact sheets

When technology is paired with proven education methods to increase quality and the numbers of youth reached, amazing things can happen.


EDC and the Massachusetts Community Colleges & Workforce Development Transformation Agenda (MCCWDTA) are working to transform developmental and adult basic education.


This fact sheet describes the importance of equity in STEM education.

Fact sheets

EDC’s experience and impact delivering positive youth development and lifelong learning opportunities worldwide.


Drawing on its extensive work in fragile environments, EDC developed this set of case studies that chronicles best practices, lessons learned, and stories of success.


EDC developed the Educator Assessment of Learners’ Soft Skills Ability (EALSA), a formative soft skills assessment, for use with secondary and tertiary students in East and West Africa.


English for Latin America (ELA) is an interactive audio instruction program created by EDC for use in schools in Latin America.


EQUIP3 assessed the labor markets and consulted with numerous stakeholders in Kenya and Rwanda to identify viable youth livelihood opportunities in three sectors: information and communications technology (ICT), agriculture, and health.


Designed by EDC and the Ford Motor Company Fund, the Ford Next Generation Learning (NGL) initiative includes an interdisciplinary high school curriculum, professional development, and a successful


This program note summarizes key gender issues in livelihoods and workforce development programs and discusses EQUIP3's approach to addressing gender, using examples from specific EQUIP3 youth projects to illustrate lessons learned.


This robust website includes video-based case studies of six girls as they investigate what it means to be a scientist or engineer.


The EQUIP3 Tourism Guide is intended to strengthen the capacity of managers (from government, NGOs, and the private sector) to assess, design, implement, and evaluate workforce development programs in the Tourism sector. A special focus of the Guide is on the development of programs that provide employment opportunities to youth ages 15-24.

This 2-page document summarizes the impact of IDEJEN, the Haitian Out-of-School Youth Livelihood Initiative, which addresses the education and livelihood needs of youth ages 15-24 with little or no primary education.