About this resource library
From professional development materials for teachers to research reports for policymakers, EDC has produced hundreds of useful, innovative resources. This library contains a selection of some of our materials, including:
- Apps
- Books
- Curricula
- Digital games
- Reports/studies/white papers
- Resource libraries
- Toolkits
Featured Resources
The award-winning Success at the Core professional development toolkit helps to develop effective school leadership and teaching that prepares all students for success.
This 2-page results document highlights Sudan Radio Service (SRS), which provides access to balanced and useful information through accurate nonpartisan news, information, and education programs, increasing the participation of South Sudanese in the civic life of their new nation.
This free workshop kit is designed to help staff in schools, youth-serving organizations, and suicide prevention programs take action to reduce suicidal behavior among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and t
This resource library maintained by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) includes products created by SPRC and its partners as well as toolkits, fact sheets, guides, upcoming trainings and
This factsheet provides an overview of some of EDC’s work to strengthen P-3 programs and systems to foster dual-language proficiency and improve outcomes for young dual-language learners.
This brief provides insights into formal and informal support that child care providers’ seek and receive to help them form successful collaborations.
This checklist provides early childhood educators with practical tips for supporting children’s bilingual learning within a rich classroom environment.
This report, intended for early childhood educators, identifies promising practices to support emergent bilinguals in a variety of early childcare settings.
This annotated bibliography features a “starter set” of key research reports, practice briefs, policy papers, and tools to inform efforts to strengthen elementary science in schools and communities.
In this study, EDC and SRI researchers explored how time spent viewing and playing with PBS KIDS educational, noncommercial media can benefit young children’s learning, especially those growing up
This report shares the findings from a landscape study commissioned by The Wallace Foundation and conducted by EDC to advance knowledge of how school districts ensure and improve the quality of the
This fact sheet describes EDC’s Supporting Readiness through Vital Civic Empowerment (SRVCE) program.
A free online civics curriculum and teacher toolkit, SRVCE blends civic inquiry, media literacy education, and exploration of public service careers to prepare students to be activ
This factsheet describes the development and implementation of the Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC), which was included as part of the Akazi Kanoze 2 (AK2) Project, a youth work-readiness program
This series of three engaging, animated videos presents some key considerations and potential pitfalls to avoid in choosing and using an effective curriculum.