About this resource library

From professional development materials for teachers to research reports for policymakers, EDC has produced hundreds of useful, innovative resources. This library contains a selection of some of our materials, including:

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  • Books
  • Curricula
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  • Reports/studies/white papers
  • Resource libraries
  • Toolkits
429 Resources found

This executive report summarizes the activities of the project, recommendations and lessons learned of the Literacy, Language, and Learning (L3) Initiative, a five-year project funded by the U.S.


What does it mean to be data literate in the world of “big data”? What should we teach students to better prepare them to participate in our workforce and society? This report answers these questions and shares takeaways from a three-day workshop led by EDC and IBM, "Building Global Interest in Data Literacy: A Dialogue."


Work-based learning (WBL) is a promising approach to fostering students’ career readiness.


This report presents results of EDC’s Building State Capacity for Leadership in K–12 Computer Science Education Summit.

White papers

The authors share the findings of an EDC study that investigated whether the Child Safety Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network framework could be applied in the field of injury and violence prevention to reduce fatalities, hospitalizations and emergency department visits among 0–19-year-olds.


The proliferation of new technologies is changing the way we live, learn, and work. This white paper examines the complex and interconnected challenges related to workforce development, economics, education, equity, and ethics that our society must address to ensure our workforce is future-ready.


The report covers the results of a study that was done of the Akazi Kanoze Youth Livelihoods Project partner organizations.


The Bullying Prevention Resource Guide provides links to organizations, programs, publications, and resources focused on bullying prevention. It is divided into seven sections:

Resource libraries

This resource library contains reports, evaluations, and toolkits produced by Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE) partners and principal investigators with DR K–12 grant

Fact sheets

A high-level overview detailing why we need a global coalition that brings together young people, governments, implementing organizations, the private sector, multilateral institutions, phila


This guide is designed to assist emergency department (ED) health care professionals with decisions about the care of patients at risk of suicide.

Resource libraries

This resource library from the Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO) contains policy reports, briefs, annotated bibliographies, and other tools targeted to help early childhood educat


Education workforce: Emerging evidence on instructional leadership at the middle tier (in partnership with Education Development Trust and UNESCO IIEP).


In this brief, the authors examine potential differences between child care providers engaged in formal collaborations organized through state-level initiatives versus informal collaborations that are self-directed.


EDC’s Chemistry: Concepts and Practices, a yearlong high school course curriculum, fosters grade 9–12 students’ scientific and data literacy; builds their reading, writing, and oral commun