About this resource library

From professional development materials for teachers to research reports for policymakers, EDC has produced hundreds of useful, innovative resources. This library contains a selection of some of our materials, including:

  • Apps
  • Books
  • Curricula
  • Digital games
  • Reports/studies/white papers
  • Resource libraries
  • Toolkits
109 Resources found

This report examines Cyberchase: Mobile Adventures in STEM, a bilingual family engagement program for families with children ages 6 to 8 years old that uses weekly text messages and media to encourage parents and kids to do fun, hands-on environmental learning activities at home.


Designed by EDC and the Ford Motor Company Fund, the Ford Next Generation Learning (NGL) initiative includes an interdisciplinary high school curriculum, professional development, and a successful


This report shares findings from EDC’s evaluation study of Cha-Ching Money Adventures.


This executive summary presents an overview of results from EDC’s evaluation study of Cha-Ching Money Adventures.


This robust website includes video-based case studies of six girls as they investigate what it means to be a scientist or engineer.


The speed at which data is being generated in industry is creating an immediate and pressing demand for skilled data workers. This guide provides information for community colleges and industry partners on how to establish data internships that prepare students with the data skills and work habits needed to enter a rapidly changing economy.


Developed as part of the Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI) and published by the American Mathematical Society, the IAS/PCMI–The Teacher Program Series includes three professional development b


This curriculum guide is designed as a tool to help teachers in autism inclusion schools facilitate an after-school or lunchtime “Maker Club.”


The Committee on Successful Out-of-School STEM Learning, appointed by the National Research Council’s Board on Education, was charged with identifying effective out-of-school STEM settings and prog


This report covers EDC’s process evaluation of Year 1 of the iDesign project, a three-year NSF ITEST-funded project to engage underrepresented youth in designing interactive, culturally and sociall

Resource libraries

This website helps educators understand the role that the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMP) play within the larger context of the Common Core Standards themselves.

Fact sheets

Inspiring Climate Action Now (ICAN) demonstrates the power of investment in science as a foundational skill set in low-resource contexts. In transforming primary science instruction, ICAN addresses gaps that limit later STEM opportunities for marginalized learners and motivates local action to respond to climate change. This brief introduces the ICAN initiative in Mali, Zambia, and Antigua & Barbuda.


Inspiring Climate Action Now (ICAN) demonstrates the power of investment in science as a foundational skill set in low-resource contexts. In transforming primary science instruction, ICAN addresses gaps that limit later STEM opportunities for marginalized learners and motivates local action to respond to climate change. This report presents the results of the ICAN Year 1 evaluation.

Resource libraries

This online hub contains a wide range of resources to support educators in building young students’ computational thinking (CT) skills. Resources include information about six models of CT integration, a CT integration and self-assessment tool, EDC researchers’ key learnings, and curricular resources.


This report examines concerns about the technology readiness of adolescent learners for college and career, and it identifies effective ways to use technology to personalize a student’s learning ex