GLOBE Implementation Office
Project Director:
EDC Staff:
Funded by:
City University of New York
Focus Area:
Education Workforce & SystemsSTEM Education & Workforce DevelopmentYouth & Workforce Development
As the effects of climate change become increasingly evident, it becomes ever more important to promote scientific literacy and build connections between the people who are working to understand, sustain, and improve the environment. Around the world, NASA’s Global Learning and Observations to Address the Environment (GLOBE) program is working to increase scientific understanding of the Earth, support improved student achievement in science and mathematics, and promote citizen science.
To advance the goals of GLOBE, Education Development Center (EDC) and City University of New York (CUNY) co-lead the GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO). EDC is leading GLOBE GIO’s Community Engagement and Support component and CUNY is overseeing Science, Training, Education, and Public Engagement.
Key Activities
- Integrate traditional school-based science programs and citizen science models
- Energize participation in the GLOBE community
- Ensure collaboration, coordination, and capacity building
- Guide continuous improvement
- Broaden GLOBE’s reach and impact
Our Impact
- To date, tens of thousands of GLOBE-trained teachers from 127 countries have guided 800,000+ students through hands-on learning and participation in the scientific process, resulting in over 230 million environmental measurements being submitted to the NASA GLOBE database.