About this project library
EDC collaborates with public and private partners to create, deliver, and evaluate programs, services, and products in 22 countries around the world. This library contains profiles of our current work and initiatives.
Young children from underserved backgrounds tend to lack opportunities to engage in high- quality mathematics learning. This opportunity gap is pervasive and has lasting consequences. Children who...
English proficiency is a valued skill throughout Latin America, but many schools encounter significant obstacles to preparing fluent students. Barriers include low levels of English fluency among...
The population of youth around the world seeking work exceeds the number of available jobs. Employers are looking for workers with skills beyond the basic literacy, numeracy, and technical knowledge...
Ethiopia has made great improvements in the quality of and access to schooling over the past several years. These improvements address Early Grade Reading Assessment results from 2010 to 2014 which...
Elder mistreatment—whether physical, financial, emotional, or sexual—is consistently found to affect at least 10% of older adults. Yet in emergency departments (EDs), one of the few places where...
Students who are multilingual learners—also called English learners (ELs) in U.S. schools—can thrive in mathematics class. Yet recent National Assessment of Educational Progress data suggest that too...
The first 10 years of a child’s life are a critical developmental period that impacts all that follows. During these years, opportunity and achievement gaps begin early for the millions of U.S...
With the global economy changing so quickly, high schools must become responsive places where students engage in real-world problem solving and learn to think flexibly, strategically, and...
Every child should have the opportunity to enjoy rich, engaging, and culturally responsive mathematics learning that prepares them for success in school, careers, and life. Yet, too often young...
Advocates working across domestic violence agencies, child protection systems, human trafficking agencies, and elder abuse units need specific skills and knowledge related to suicide prevention. Yet...
Almost all Haitian students have experienced disruptions to education in recent years due to natural disasters, political unrest, and the COVID-19 pandemic, which have compounded the challenges of...
Out-of-school youth in Liberia face many health challenges, including high rates of unintended pregnancy, low levels of knowledge about their HIV status, and limited access to medical care. Improving...
E-learning has the potential to usher in a new era in global entrepreneurship. But how can e-learning programs account for diversity in language and literacy levels? Or culture? Or different levels...
Often educational interventions for children on the autism spectrum focus on remediation, that is learning to behave like their neurotypical peers. However, as Kristie Patten, the IDEAS co-PI from...
Employment in computer-related occupations has grown dramatically. Yet women and people who are Black and Latinx continue to be underrepresented in these occupations. Given that STEM jobs have...