About this project library

EDC collaborates with public and private partners to create, deliver, and evaluate programs, services, and products in 22 countries around the world. This library contains profiles of our current work and initiatives.

232 Projects found
Around the world, many young people are unable to find jobs or start their own businesses due to a mismatch between the skills they learned in school and the skills demanded in the workplace...
What is the most important thing young children need to know to have long-term academic success? Research shows that it’s early math skills. Yet, too many children start kindergarten lacking the...
Southeast Asia faces development threats caused by climate change, biodiversity degradation, and environmental pollution. Youth comprise 40% of the population in the five lower Mekong countries of...
Reducing long-term joblessness among young people is a persistent challenge for Macedonia’s economic sector. Youth unemployment stands at 50 percent, and employers say that job applicants lack basic...
In today’s society, both media and technology greatly influence young people’s sense of culture and identity. And while the education sector has tremendous potential to engage young people in...
Suicide is a global issue, taking over 700,000 lives annually . More than 80% of people who die by suicide in the United States interact with health care services in the year before their death,...
In an ever more data-driven world, there is a growing need for students and citizens to understand and use data—including data on current challenges such as climate change—with increasing fluency...