July 22, 2024

EDC and 16 Partners Commit to Creating a Strong Future-Ready Workforce

EDC and 16 partner organizations are taking action to prepare youth, job seekers, and career-switchers for well-paying jobs in the rapidly growing green, blue, and sustainability job market. A publication released by the global nonprofit and its partners today, Preparing a Green and Blue Workforce: Commitments Directory, describes the strategic fiscal investments, K–12 education initiatives, workforce education and/or training efforts, higher education programs, research, and policy analysis that each organization is leading.

The commitments directory stems from a two-day February 2024 Washington, D.C., summit that was led by EDC and funded by the National Science Foundation, Ares Charitable Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation. During the summit, experts from across the United States spotlighted the significant challenge and opportunity the nation faces in preparing a strong workforce for the swiftly expanding number and array of careers in key U.S. industries—including high-priority domestic manufacturing, agriculture, civil engineering, and technology fields. As described in two summit papers, Building a Workforce for the Future and Career and Technical Education and Training for Jobs in the Green Economy, the demand for workers with the skills and knowledge to fill these jobs is far outpacing the current supply.

Following is a list of EDC’s 16 partner organizations:

“EDC is honored and grateful to have these 16 leading organizations join with us in creating pathways to skilling up youth and adults for well-compensated jobs that will benefit themselves, their families, their communities, our economy, and our nation,” said Andrés Henríquez, EDC director of STEM Education Strategy.

If your organization would like to make a commitment, contact Andrés Henríquez.