Raymond Davis staff portrait

Ray Davis, vice president, is EDC’s chief technology officer, directing strategic planning and supervision of internal and external networks, Web development activities, database systems, and content management systems throughout EDC. He has over 20 years of executive technology and product development leadership experience and has led digital transformations for organizations ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.

Most recently, Ray held senior director roles with the nonprofit organization Compassion International. His leadership helped unlock the world’s first self-sustaining poverty fighting ecosystem and modernized technology at the nonprofit to promote direct-to-customer service.

Previously, Ray held leadership roles with Footlocker where his innovations increased speed to market and raised customer satisfaction levels. As CTO of WRS Health, he created the world’s first nationally certified Web-based health record platform. Other roles include senior roles with National Research Corporation, EQHealth Solutions, and IView Strategies.

Ray facilitates shared learning across the nonprofit sector by speaking on technology for social impact at influential organizations including Amazon/AWS, Microsoft for Social Impact, NetHope, and MIT Solve.

Ray holds Bachelor Degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics from Mount Saint Mary College.